Good deals around Lac du Causse
There are plenty of activities to discover around Lac du Causse. With friends or family, all you have to do is choose the right activity for you! Whether you're looking for a cultural, culinary or unusual outing, or even something at a reduced price, we've selected a few ideas for outings around the Lac du Causse!
The Fage chasm
For an unusual outing just a few kilometres from the Lac du Causse, head for the Gouffre de la Fage! Listed as a Natura 2000 site, the chasm is home to many bats, which come here to feed and sleep. A real living spectacle, the chasm is divided into 2 galleries where you can see stalactites and stalagmites rising and falling, as well as palaeontological deposits!
⇒ In addition to this unique visit, an educational workshop gives children the chance to find out more about the job of an archaeologist, with a caving trail and a specially adapted dig tank.
Prices: €6/children - €9/adult - €12/educational archaeology workshop.
Open: April-September
Location: Noailles ( 15 min.)
Atypical guided tours
For several years now, Brive Tourisme has been offering summer visitors the chance to discover its jewels from an unusual angle. While you're out and about, stop off at Turenne. This Most Beautiful Village in France in the Brive area can be explored in costume to relive medieval times! Prices: €3/child - €6/adult | Dates: July and August | Location: Turenne, 20 min.
Looking for authenticity? Then why not try the Mousta'chut. An unusual concept devised by Brive Tourisme, mousta'chut are guided tours led by local people. And who better than a local to reveal the hidden treasures and mysteries of the area? These free tours are offered in summer and last an average of 1? hours. Near the campsite, discover "La Montagne Pelée, vallée sèche", during which Christophe Lagorsse, project manager at the Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels de la Nouvelle Aquitaine, will introduce you to this unique and fragile land.
Prices: free | Dates: to be found on the Brive Tourisme website | Departure: Soulier car park
Tèrra Aventura offers 2 geocaching circuits around the lake:
- Lissac through the ages: an easy 7km route lasting 2 to 3 hours.
- De l'eau à la pierre du Causse (From water to Causse stone ): a very difficult 10km route lasting 2 to 3 hours.
Prices: free of charge | Departure: information available to download from the Tèrra Aventura mobile app.